Commissioners Court Docket






JULY 1890

Clark & Courts; application to furnish books; $1,266.50

allowed, Pg. 1-1

Diebald Safe Co.; application to sell safe; $375 allowed, 1-2

L. D. Mars; petition to be appointed County Attorney; approved; 1-3

L. D. Mars; Official bond; approved, 1-3

L. D. Mars; claim as ex officio services per month; $25 allowed;


County Clerk; Ordered to procure book from Hall County; books rec’d

Aug. 2, 1890; Pg. 1-5

County Clerk F. Faulkner; Official bond; approved; 1-6

Sheriff Frank Scott; Official bond; approved; 1-7

Tax Assessor T. A. Gray; Official bond; approved; 1-8

Justice of the Peace G. F. Acred; Official bond; approved; 1-9

S. P. Strong; Claim for making general index to deeds; $55 approved;


W. W. Stegall; Official bond; approved; 2-2

Com. court; Order for court house; no action; 2-3

Diebald Safe Co.; Order for jail; $4,300 approved; 2-4

J. L. Stallings & W. G. Conner; Ordered to have assessors rolls

transcribed (no action); 2-5

Motion to create a 4th class; allowed 2-6

Clarke & Courts; Bill for furniture; $75 allowed; 2-7

Special tax levied for courthouse and jail and general purposes;

court house & jail tax fifteen cents on $100.

Twenty-five cents on $100 (no allowance or approval) 2-8

Tulia Town Company; Order to buy two lots; price of two lots $35

allowed; 3-9

Court; Order to contact General Land Office for certificates; approved


Court; Ex-officio salary of officers; County Judge $500, County Clerk

$350, Sheriff $500; approved; 3-11

Com. W. G. Conner; Appointed to superintend boring the well in jail

yard; approved; 3-12

L. D. Mars; appointed to look after county school land; approved;


J. L. Stallings and W. G. Conner; appointed committee to empower

said agent to act for county; approved; 3-13

It is ordered by Court; Bonds for title for jail lots and court house

square; approved; 3-14

Court; Purchase Lots 6 & 7 in Block 31 for jail; $35 approved;


Court; Rental of house for temporary building; amt. $8.00 approved;


Citizens of Swisher County; Petition for special school tax; twenty

cents on one hundred dollars valuation; approved and an election ordered

on 13th day of Sept. A. D. 1890; 4-17

Presiding officers of election; Claim for holding election; allowed;


Officers of Court; Per Deim; six days each allowed; 4-18



Clark & Courts; % of G. F. Acred; Notary seal and record

$8.00 (no action); 4-1

Clark & Courts; % of County Clerk; 100 blanks and postage $2.82

allowed; 4-2

F. W. Scott; % transporting prisoner; $70 allowed; 4-3

W. C. Gray; % paid on 12 chairs; $120 allowed; 4-4

W. G. Conner; % paid purchase of 1 dozen chains; $7.80 allowed/ 4-5

Clerk; Transcribing minutes to District court minutes; Ordered paid;


C. L. Carter; Officer for special school tax election; appointed;


Sheriff Crosby County; boarding prisoner; requested to present bill;


J. T. Service; Bid on court house; amt. $2,000 accepted; 5-9

Citizens of Swisher County; Petition to court to allow for finishing

well on public square; $100approved; 5-10

Mrs. S. E. Butts % for boarding well men while digging well on public

square; $11 allowed; 5-11

D. L. Baker; % for digging well on jail yard; $42.50 allowed; 5-12



Clarke & Courts; County books; $1,172.08; 6-1

Clarke & Courts; Recording desk; $25.00; 6-2

W. S. Thacker & Bros. house rent; Amt. $8.00 allowed/ 7-1

C. R. Bailey for erecting windmill on public square; $100 allowed;


F. W. Scott Sheriff; transporting prisoner form Canyon jail to Vernon

jail; $60.40 allowed; 7-3



W. G. Conner appointed presiding officer of election in

Prec. 1, pg. 14; 6-1

C. L. Carter appointed presiding officer Prec. 2, metes & bounds

of Prec. 2; page 14 min.; 6-2

F. A. Scott appointed presiding officer Prec. 3, metes & bounds

of Prec. 3 page 14 min.; 6-3

T. A. Gray appointed to hold election in Prec. 4, metes & bounds

of prec. 4, page 15; 7-4

S. Faulkner; account freight on books; $7.00; 7-5

C. R. Bailey asks this court to correct the Ret. from Prec. 2; Rets.

corrected; 8-1

W. W. Stegall County Treas.; Quarterly Ref.; Accepted; 8-2

W. W. Stegall % on Pub. School fund; amount .85 allowed; 8-3

Frank Scott; bond as Tax Coll.; Amt. $6,000 approved; 8-4

J. M. Stapp; bond as Com. Prect. 2; Amt. $3,000 approved; 8-5

Jury of Review on public roads in Swisher County; Report; Report

accepted and roads declared public roads; 8-6

J. L. Stillwell, C. r. Bailey, J. C. Jowell; 8 days services as Jury

of Review at $2.00 per diem and mileage; $24.40 each allowed; 9-7

W. B. Hutchison; as sup on roads; $36.00 allowed; 9-7

Sam Wise Sheriff of Randall County; Account for feeding prisoner;

Amt of Account $36.75 allowed; 9-8

L. D. Mars; Account against Swisher County; Amt. $27.50 allowed;


S. Faulkner; Account freight on file case; Amt. of Account $5.08;


F. A. Scott, J. L. Stallings, W. C. conner; bonds as commissioners

of Prec. 3, Prec. 4, Prec. 1, respectively; amt. of Bond $3,000 each approved;


G. f. Acred J. P. Prect. 1; bond; approved; 9-12

Frank Scott; Bond as Sheriff; approved; 10-13

Frank Scott; bond as County Collector; Approved; 10-14

J. H. Settle County Judge; bond; approved; 10-15

J. H. Settle County Judge; Bond ex-officio County Supt.; approved;


F. Faulkner County & Dist. Clerk; Bonds; approved; 10-17

W. B. Hutchison Surveyor; bond as surveyor of Swisher County; Amt.

of Bond $1,000 approved; 10-18

Order of Court to clerk authorizing the sum of $180.00 issued to

pay for field notes files and map; 11-19

W. B. Hutchison ordered to procure a map and mark public roads thereon;

approved; 11-20

Collector; to strike off the rolls 16 ½ sec. of land that

taxes have been paid at Austin for 1890; 11-21

Ordering the issuance of bonds to pay for court house and jail; Amt

bonds $800.00; 11-22

R. S. ford; Account for approving tax rolls; $20.00 allowed; 11-23

T. J. Soule; appointed Justice of Peace Prect. 2; bond; approved;


W. G. Conner appointed to buy stoves, coal, chairs, lumber, and pipes;

account for stoves, for chairs and col.,freight $112.90; 12-26

F. Faulkner; account for recording 3 deeds and transcribing dist.

court min; $6.50 allowed; 12-27

Action of com. court; Transferring $150.00 from 4th class fund to

court house fund; allowed; 12-28

Officers of general election; per diem pay for holding same; allowed


W. S. Thacker & Bro.; house rent; $8.00 allowed; 12-30

Court officers; per diem pay for 3 days; allowed; 12-31

J. T. Service; turned over ct. house; court rec’d same and ordered

warrants to amt. of $1,750.00;13-1

T. A. Gray’s official bonds; approved; 13-2

Order of court; numbering rooms in court house; 13-3

F. W. Scott ordered to buy a desk for Sheriff’s office not to exceed

$10.00; 13-4

J. H. Gouldy Agt. Policy on court house and safe, furniture, books;

Amt. issued $2,500. Time 3 years, 05% of premium $125.00 approved in open

court; 13-5

W. J. Siles’s official bond; approved; 13-6

Officers of Court; per diem for 1 day; allowed; 13-7


Diebald Safe Co.; Account one iron safe; $375 allowed (28);


J. W. Dillard; hauling iron safe; $30.00 allowed (28); 14-2

Diebald Safe Co.; Erecting jail; $4,300 allowed (28); 14-3

D. B. Hill appointed County Atty; Exofficio allowance $25.00 per

month from Dec. 27, 1890 (28) 14-4

W. S. Thacker & Bro. rent on temporary court house; $7.45 allowed;

(28) 14-5

Floyd Shocks Co.; Stationery; $11.90 allowed; (28) 14-6

W. G. Conner; Superintendency erection court house; $5.00 allowed

(29); 15-7

F. Faulkner; door lock and book case for court house; $2.85 allowed;

(29) 15-8

Com. Court; per diem one day; allowed; (29) 15-9

J. T. Service; Bal. on Ct. house; $100.00 allowed (30) 15-10

T. A. Gray Assessor; com. for assessing non res taxes; $104.23 allowed;

(30) 15-11

Com. Ct.; per diem 1 day allowed; 15-12


Clarke & Courts; Stationery; $4.40 allowed (31) 16-13

Clarke & courts; Recording Desk; $25 allowed (31); 16-13

Clarke & Courts; File case; $15.00 (31); 16-14

Clarke & Courts; Blank Case; $35.00 (31) 16-15

Clarke & Courts; Stationery; $1.35 allowed (31) 16-16

Clarke & Courts; Stationery; $3.33 allowed (31) 16-17

Clarke & Courts; 4 desks; $95.00 less $10.57 allowed (32) 16-18

Clarke & Courts; Stationery; $1.10 not allowed. Amt put in no.

19 on this page; 16-19

Clarke & Courts; Stationery & books; $25.85 allowed (32)

allowed 16-20

Texas Printing Co.; Book for surveyor; $12.50 (32) allowed; 16-21

F. Faulkner; Postage & expenses on blanks from Clarke & courts

& 1 record book from Jack Bros.; $3.55 allowed (32) 17-22

J. Billingsly jailor Vernon, Tex. board of prisoner 75 days;at cts

pr day; %58.50 and $35.10 allowed (33) 17-23

Kirkland and Loftin; coffin and box for Johnson; work on court house

& c.; $12.50 & $22.50 allowed (33) 17-24

W. G. Conner; stove for jail, pipe, freight; $9.25 (32) allowed;


W. F. Wright; Publishing financial statement; $23.00 allowed (32)


W. B. Hutchison; map, field notes of count. roads, expenses &

c; $12.35 allowed; 18-28

W. F. Wright, Printing financial statement; $23.20 filed on page

17 and allowed; 18-28

R. H. McAlsime pr, W. G. Conner; stove, pipe and freight; $9.25 amt

allowed to W. G.Conner on page 17; 18-29

J. W. Standifer; board of Taylor and guard; $31.50 & $63.00 allowed

$72.00/ 18-30

L. M. Faulkner; stove pipe; $2.00 allowed (32) 18-29

Thacker Bros.; clothing for pauper Johnson; $3.15 allowed (32) 18-30a

D. B. Hill; ex-officio for 1 month; $25.00 allowed (34) 18-37

Cou. Court; Levying Co. Tax; Levied: 25 cents ad valorum, 25 cents

court house & jail, 15 cents R.& B.; one half state occupation;

25 cents pole (35) 19-38

J. M. Stapp and J. L. Stallings ordered to view & work draws

and specifications for bridge (35)19-39

Con. Court apportion county into four school dist’s; ordered (35)


D. B. Hill; that the county order the clerk to issue warrant for

the purpose of procuring lawbooks for county; approved and allowed account

of $34.00 to purchase Sayles & wilsons Civ. & Crim. Stat. &

Soles form book; 19-41

Frank Scott; claim for bedding for jail, amt. $15.00 allowed $15.00;


Frank Scott; Account for feeding prisoner F. A. Taylor $1.00 per

day; allowed (35), $1.00 per diem; 19-43

F. Faulkner; claim for postage in official correspondence for quarter

from Aug. 1st ’90 to 1st ’91, 6 months $1.50 per week/ allowed $9.00 (36);


W. G. Conner; freight paid for books, desks, coal & c;allowed

$13.00; 20-44

B. G. Brown; freight on 4 desks form Amarillo 690# at 50 cts pe hnd;

allowed $3.45; 20-45

Frank Scott; claim for feeding prisoner T. A. Taylor amount of $23.00;

allowed (37) 20-46

W. B. Hutchison County Suv; Claim for bal on transcribing Swisher

county field notes at Austin at $180.00 Nov. 12, 1891, 10 cts pr 100 words

for work at Austin, see G. L. 1885. p. 92; allowed $153.00; 20-47

Court; per diem for this term of court; W. G. Conner 6 days; J. M.

Stapp 6 days, F. A. Scott 5 days, J. L. Stallings 6 days; allowed (39)


Court; appointed C. T. Word County Judge; approved (39) 21-2

Court; official bond as county judge; Amt $1,000.00 approved (39)


Court; official bond as county superintendent of public inspections;

amt $1,000.00 approved (39) 21-3

Appointed C. T. Word to have table and bannisters in courthouse oiled

and varnished (39); 21-4

Court; allowing C. T. Word $500.00 pr amt to be paid monthly by court;

allowed (39) 21-5

Court; allowing per diem for court; Hon. C. T. Word, W. G. Conner,

J. M. Stapp, F. A. Scott, J. L. Stallings, each1 day at $3.00 (39) 21-6

MARCH 1891

W. L. McGehee freight on 36 chairs from Amarillo at 60 cents

per 100#, 360#; amt $2.16allowed (40) 22-7

G. F. Acred; account papering room & c; amt $12.81 allowed (40)


W. H.Halding jailor of Vernon, Texas; account boarding T. A. Taylor

from January 1st to Jany 25,1891; allowed $11.25 (41) 22-9

Court appoints J. L. Stallings and J. M. Stapp; to have county school

land surveyed; also W. B. Hutchison to survey said land; apointed; (41)


C. T. Word granted leave of absence for 20 days from 15 March 1891;

granted (41) 22-11

Court; per diem for 1 day; allowed (41) 22-12

Clarke & Courts; %stationery; Amt $2.68-see page 25 Com Ct. Docket;


State Comptroller; % interest on Court house and jail bonds; Amt

$176 allowed (42) 23-14

Clarke & Courts; % amt. dedicated from desks/ Amt $10.47 (42)


C. T. Word granted leave of absence 20 days form 1st of April; granted

(42) 23-16

G. W. Longley put on public work to work out his fine and cost due

county (43) 23-18

Frank Scott, Sheriff, acct. for feeding prisoners; Amt allowed $84.30


J. L. Stillwell jailer and guard; acct. for feeding and guarding

prisoners; allowed $62.50 ;23-20

S. E. Butts; application to feed prisoners at 30 cents per day; granted

(44) 24-21

Court officers allowed their per diem; (44) 24-22

C. T. Word and W. B. Hutchison appointed to look after Swisher County

school land and have same located; amt to be sent to Austin $120.00 allowed

(45) 24-23

W. B. Hutchison; acct. for surveying for Swisher county; $85 allowed

(45) 24-24

J. L. Stallings and J. M. Stapp; account for assisting in sur. Swisher’s

School land; amt of account $216.00 allowed (45) 24-25

F. Faulkner; account freight & c; Amt $4.70 allowed (45) 24-26

S. E. Butts; acct. feeding prisoners 2 days; amt $2.40 allowed (45)


Order of Court transferring $548.00 from 5th class fund to 3rd class

fund; amt transferred (46) 25-29

F. Faulkner; freight on cabinet $1.50, Express on stationery, books

and letterheads from Co. Judge $3.00, Pens at W. C. Turners’s 50 cents;

total $5.00; amt $5.00 allowed (46) 25-29

White & Boyd; 2 Smiths pr Stillwell, 1 sp ad. Frank Scott; $4.00

allowed; 25-30

C. & Courts; Stationery books and c; Amt $76.68 allowed (46)


C. L. Bailey; repairing pump at jail; $1.50 allowed; 25-32

MAY 1891

C. B. Vivian, acting Judge in 2 cases; Amt $6.00 allowed

(47) 26-33

Stillwell; Acct. for guarding prisoners and boarding same for 23

days ending May 11, 1891; Amt $79.20 allowed(46) 26-34

U. S. Gober; Account 1 door lock; Amt. $.75 allowed; 26-35

G. W. Rayford; Account repairing furn. Shackles & Co; Amt $2.90

allowed 26-36

Frank Scott; Acct. removing T. A. Taylor form Vernon to Tuluia; Amt.

allowed $91.55 (47) 26-37

W. C. Turner; Acct medicine for prisoners; Amt. $.90 (50) 26-50

Court making 4 school dist in a previous term of this court rescinded

orders and made one district; one dist for public schools; making one dist

in entire county approved (4) 27-40

Court; Petition from 34 voters asking that an election for a special

school tax; approved (47) 27- 42

Court appointed C. L. Carter, W. B. Hutchison and D. H. Courtney

to hold school election for trustees; appointed (48) 27-43

F. Faulkner makes quarterly report for quarter ending May 11, 1891;

approved; (48) 27-45

Quarterly report approved (49) 27-46

C. F. Bailey; quarterly report; approved (49) 28-47

Court; transferring from 5th class to 3rd class fund – transferring

from 2nd class to 3rd class; $153.00 approved (50) $11.70 approved (50)


Transferring from 5th class to 4th class fund $58.43 approved (50)


J. E. Standifer; account for attending prisoners in jail; amt $4.00

App. 28-49

G. R. Acred; account for coat and vest for Johnson pauper; amt. $5.00


W. G. Conner & Frank Scott appointed to have pipe put in trough

and report; (51) 28-51

Frank Scott Collector; quarterly report; approved (51) 29-53

Frank Scott Collector; quarterly and final report approved (51) 29-54

Court; Report of land sold to individuals for taxes 1890; approved

(52) 29-56

Court; Report of land sold to individuals State of Texas for year


approved; (52) 29-57

G. F. Acred Justice Court; Quarterly report; approved (52) 29-58

Court allowing Frank Scott $15.00 per month to wait on prisoners

at jail; approved (52) 29-59

W. G. Conner and J. L. Stallings; motion for the two mile roads;

W. G. Conner, and J. L.

Stallings voted for the roads and F. a. Scott and J. M. Stapp and

C. T. Word against the motion (53) 30-61

Court appointing jury of view 4 roads running from Tulia to Co. line;

appointed (53) 30-62

Court transferring from 2nd class to 3rd class fund; $7.70 approved;


Court; appointing C. T. Word Co. Judge to publish a notice of Swisher

County wishing to sell her lands; approved (54) 30-64

Citizens of Swisher County petitioning for a court house; pet. laid

over; 30-65

Court asking for bidders to file certified check for $1,000.00 as

warranty of good faith; approved (55) 30-66

JUNE 1891

Court; return of an election for official sch. tax; court

ordered the tax levied of 15 cents per $100 evaluation. Approved (56) 31-1

Court; Return of Sch Dist No. 1, W. G. Conner, T. J. Soule, G. F.

Smith elected; approved (57) 31-2

F. A. Scott and W. G. Conner appointed to a committee; to look at

material for ct. house; approved (57) 31-3

C. T. Word; app to write for bonds; approved (57) 31-4

Court; Appointed Jury of view for 2 mile roads; name of Jury J. A.

King, J. W. Ratliff, J. A. Scott, M. A. Bradberry and G. W. Duke; 31-5

& 6

Appointed jury of view for two other roads. See apt jury of view

for road page 59, pae 59 & 60; 31-6a & 6b Court appointed C. T.

Word to confer with Com. Gen Land Office about having block lines established;

approved; (58) 32-8

Frank Scott appointed to have well at jail cleaned; approved (58)


Court asking bids for the survey on the work of locating Blk lines

and 2 mile roads; approved (58) 32-10

Court raising the ex-officio salary C. T. Word; $625 from $450 (59)


Court; F. Faulkner authorized to issue Script to Ft. Worth Gazette;

Amt $27.00 (59) 32-12

D. H. Courtney et al; petition for a public road; pet granted and

jury of view app to wit: J. W. Ratliff, J. A. Scott, J.A. King, G. W. Duke

& M. S. Bradberry; 32-6a

J. A. King et al; petition for a public road beginning at N.E. cor

Sec. 12 Block W.1 thence W. to county line; jury of view appointed same

as the previous order; 33-6bCourt; per diem; allowed (60) 33-12a

Court as a board of equalization; equalization of taxes in Swisher

County (60) 33-13

T. J. Soule and Jno. R. Wright present to court bids; on the surveying

of blk lines and the two mile roads; work given to W. B. Hutchison at $5.00

per day and county board him. (62) 33-15

W. B. Hutchison ordered to send Vol. 2 Field notes of Swisher Co.

to Austin for correction (62) 33-15

C. L. Bailey; account for repairing well at jail; amt $3.50 allowed

$3.50 (62) 33-16

F. Faulkner; acct postal cards to notify tax payers to come before

Equalization bd.; allowed $2.50 (62) 34-17

W. B. Hutchison; account 1 door lock $1.00 allowed $l.00; 34-18

W. F. Wright; account for printing; allowed $8.20; 34-19

J. E. Standifer M. D.; account for services at jail; allowed $4.00;


Court; Ordered C. R. Bailey to procure pipe & stamps for county;

(62) 34-22

Court; Ordered C. T. Word to write and ____$5,000.00 bonds; Rds &

Bridge 34-22

Court; Ordered Co. Judge to appoint ten citizens to represent the

county at stock conv. at Childress Jun. 27, 1891; appointed; 35-23

Court; Order for per diem for 2 days; allowed (63) 35-24

W. B. Hutchison & T. A. Gray; account for correcting abstract

of Land titles for Swisher County; allowed $25.00 each page 64 C.C.minutes;


C. B. Vivian & F. A. Scott; Claim for $25.00 each for expenses

to Childress; allowed $25.00 each page 64 C. C. minutes; 36-25

W. B. Hutchison and C. T. Word; Claim for $2.00 & $1.00 postae;

allowed $2.00 & $1.00; 36-26

Clarke & Courts; Claim for stationery; allowed $8.10 (64}36-27

C. R. Bailey, Trea; quarterly report of county finances; approved;


Clarke and Courts; Claim for Stationery furnished W. B. Hutchison

Co. Surveyor; allowed $6.65; 36-29

Frank Scott Sheriff; claim for boarding prisoners from May 13th to

July 1st 1891; allowed $88.80 37-30

J. M. Stapp; bid for 35 cents per hr for cutting pipe for County;

Bid accepted & approved; 37-31


G. W. Rayford; claim for repairs at jail; allowed $5.60


J. A. Scott et al road viewers; claim ifor 17 ½ days work

at $2.00 per day; allowed $55.00 ea 38- 2

Frank Scott Sheriff; claim $2.30 for blinds for jail and lock for

jail door; allowed $2.30;38-3

Clarke & Courts; Claim stationery for county officers amt $18.00;

allowed $18.50; 38-4

Jno. R. Griffin bid of $1.25 pr A. on Swisher co. school land; rejected

(56) 38-5

W. R. Wright; Claim printing financial statement amt of bill $40.50;

allowed $40.50; (66) 38-6

Tom Lovell et al; presented to court plans for new courthouse in

Swisher county; plans adopted Aug. 15, 1891; Page 67 C. C. minutes; 38-7

to 10

Court; application to state Board of Education to cash $1,500.00

Ct. house & jail bonds; (67) 39- 11

F. A. Scott; claim for team and self looking for material to build

ct. house; amt. $13.00; allowed $13.00 pg 68 C. C. min.;39-12

W. G. Conner; claim looking for material to build Ct. House; allowed

$8.00 39-13

C. T. Word; Claim looking for material to build Ct. House; allowed

$12.00 39-15

J. H. White; account for road viewers; allowed $15.25; 39-14

T. A. Gray; Tax rolls for 1891 of Swisher county presented to court

for approval; approved 69 C. C. min; 40-6

U. S. Gober; claim for making assessors abst for Swisher Co.; allowed

$60.00; 40-17



County Court Docket ©2002

Zoe Smith.

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