
Swisher County Courthouse

Swisher County Courthouse

Tulia, Swisher County, TX


Ted’s Texas County Courthouse Photos:

Courthouse after being remodeled. More Courthouse pictures can be see at


From WINDMILLING, page 10:

“The first courthouse was a two story pine building, completed in September,1890, at a cost of $2,000, considerably more than the court had allowed atfirst. It was used until 1909 when a brick, three story structure, toppedby a dome with four clocks that always showed four different times, wasbuilt for a cost of $55,694. In 1962, this building was remodeled, after afire had damaged the upper floor, at a cost of $198,675. Two new wings wereadded at that time, and the upper story and dome were removed. Oppositionto this change was so great among old timers that none of the commissionerson the court were re-elected the following election.”

“The library was in the courthouse when I was a child. There was a brass spittoon beside every door :o) It was cool in the hot summer months. We didn’t have acar, so we walked to the library to check out as many books as were allowedevery week.

~ Zoe Smith



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