Author Archives: admin

Website Revamp

I am about to revamp the website so links may not work and pages may not display properly. Items with a * have not been reformatted yet and are more likely to display improperly. The gallery is still down. I … Continue reading

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Quilt Update

I have just learned that the quilt I posted about earlier this year is in the process of being donated to the Swisher County Museum. It will make a great addition!

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Flooding in Kress, Texas May 24, 1957

Flooding in Kress, Texas 1957. James W Moore Collection. Flooding at a business in Kress, Texas, May 24th, 1957. Does anyone have any more information or photos that I can post?

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Robert Leonard Photo Collection Added!

Robert Leonard was an carpenter who designed and built a lot of homes and some businesses in Tulia. His daughter, Cora Leonard Speck was in Tulia’s first graduating class and became a teacher at Tulia Public Schools. Robert’s grandson, Jon … Continue reading

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The 1940 Census is Here!

Images for the 1940 Census have been released and published in various places online. – free (username registration required) here Not yet indexed. (I think a paid subscription is required) here. Index Status for each state here (towards the … Continue reading

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1936 Friendship Quilt made in Tulia, Texas

As promised (finally), here is the information about the quilt.           This quilt was given to me by Madalyn Stanford Williams (1919 – 2001.)  The quilt was given to her mother, Mrs. M. G. (Emma) Stanford (1889- 1976) in 1936 … Continue reading

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New Headstone Website: Billion Graves

There’s a new resource for genealogists to find or obtain photographs of their ancestors and relatives called Billion Graves. The site calls for genealogists to snap photographs on their iPhone or Android and upload them to their website. It is … Continue reading

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Lesson Learned: Use Ebay and Facebook to Find and Identify Your Lost Relatives!

I don’t know why, but I have had the most amazing luck locating relatives of a certain surname on my dad’s side lately. They are the source of our family’s pronounced dimpled chins; the one that got me so much … Continue reading

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A Bittersweet Goodbye

It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Mrs Jo Nell (BOGGS) MOORE. Mrs Moore was born near Kress, Texas in Swisher County; the youngest child of Eunice (COLLINS) AND Robert Dennis Boggs. She went to school … Continue reading

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The Gallery and the Faulkners

Well, I’ve been back for a while, but the trip didn’t quite go as planned thanks to mother nature. I went through an earthquake and then saw the hurricane coming so I booked it back home without seeing my great-grandmother. … Continue reading

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